Can you believe school is out already???
Well today was my first officially day with all the kids home all day and they started to drive me crazy already with the "I'm bored".... " What should I do know" ... "What else can I eat" ... I decided I need to make a daily schedule and fast.
This is what I came up with .. What you think
I used a template from here ..she has really great printable.. YOU ROCK GIRL!!!!
I made a few changes so it can work for me. I'm going to also laminate it so they can check off stuff with a dry eraser pen as they do them. I will also add the daily activity stuff weekly when I find out what going on around town.
This is what it looks like
What you think ??
My kids do Summer Bridge work book eery year so they wouldnt forget much during the summer which works great... Do you recommend any other workbooks?